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  • History of Bihar is very glorious and in ancient and medieval period it was the centre of power. Big kingdoms rose and fall on the soil of Bihar.
  • If we want to know about Bihar then it is very important to know about the Magadh History.
  • Magadh was established by Jarasandh and Brihadratha. Haryankas increased the growth of Magadh which is later increased under Sisunaga and Nandas and under Mauryas Magadh acquired the position of one among the most powerful and richest empire of the world.
  • There are so many reasons of the rise of Magadha empire. Few among them are discussed below:
    • Its Geographical location: Magadha was located on the fertile Alluvial Soil of Gangetic plain. Moreover sufficient rainfall with fertile alluvial soil provides a good condition for agriculture.
    • Trade Advantage: Magadha was located on the main trade point between East and West.
    • Natural protection from enemies: Magadha was protected from three sides from river Son, Ganga and Champa. This natural barrier helps Magadha to consolidate its energy to develop.
    • Use of Iron: peoples of Magadh uses Iron for making agricultural tools and weapons. Use of agricultural tools helps farmer to produce surplus. Hence surplus production helps rulers to tax more. With good tax empires build themselves strong.
    • Abundance of Natural Resources: Magadha was abundance in Iron and copper. Use of metal in weapon making and agriculture has helped Magadh to reach its zenith of prosperity.
    • Sufficient Population: Due to suitable geographical features population of Magadha was large as compared to other kingdoms. These large population was used in agriculture and king’s army.
    • Non domination of Brahmins: Magadhan empire was not dominated by Brahmins.
    • Ambitious rulers: Magadha was blessed with various ambitious rulers which has developed Magadha and extended its territory to cover whole country.
    • Good administrators: Magadha was blessed with good administrators who have made the Magadha strong and prosperous.
    • Magadhan Kings: Magadhan kings like Bimbisar, Chandragupta Maurya, Bindusar, Ashok has historical character which even today India feel proud to have such kings born in Indian soil.
    • Equipped Army: use of elephants in war helped them to win over there enemy.
  • Dynasty: Various dynasty has emerged on Magadha soil like Haryanka Dynasty, Nanda Dynasty, Mauryan Dynasty. We will discuss few points about these dynasties.
  • Haryanka Dynasty: Bimbisar has founded this dynasty. He built the city Rajagriha. His son Ajatashatru succeded him. Udayain Succeeded Ajatashatru.
  • Sisunaga Dynasty: After Haryanka Dynasty Sisunaga Dynasty established in Magadha Soil. Sisunag and Kalasoka was some of the popular ruler of the Sisunaga Dynasty.
  • Nanda Dynasty: Mahapadmananda was the founder of this dynasty. Nanda dynasty was the first non kshtriya dynasty as Puranas represent Mahapadmananda as the Son of Mahanandin the last king of Sisunag Dynasty and a Sudra woman. However he was represented as a son of a courtesan and a barber by Jaina text and Greek writer Curtius. Dhanananda was the last king of this dynasty. Alexander invaded the Indian soil in North western India during Dhananda reign. Chanakya the wise man was contemporary to Dhananda. Chanakya assisted Chandragupta Maurya to overthrew Dhananda and established Maurya Dynasty.
  • Mauryan Dynasty: Mauryan dynasty is the major dynasty of the Magadhan Kingdom. It has consolidated the whole country into one nation by subjugating small rulers and made ht ecountry strongest which has protected India from foreign attackers. As the whole world was lured by the rich position of Magadha, there was always a danger of foreign attackers. Chanakya the wise man and the greatest patriotic person of the land understands the danger and hence subjugated small ruler to make a strong and big kingdom, The Magadha   There were historical kings in Mauryan dynasty like Chandragupta Maurya, Bindusar, Ashoka etc whose contribution to the nation is visible even today.
  • Post Mauryan Dynasty: After Maurya dynasty many dynasty established on the Magadhan Soil step by step. Sunga, kanva, Chetas etc appeared on the Magadhan soil.
  • Rise of various religions: Various religions got birth on the land of Bihar. Jainism, Buddhism, Ajivikas, Bhagavatism, Vaishnavism enlightened the whole world with their knowledge and helped Magadha to prosper with their guided path.
  • Historians also says the period of these religious growth period as the reform movement. Various reasons has inculcated feelings among inhabitants to be attracted towards this movement. Few of the reasons are discussed below:
    • Reaction between Kshatriyas and Brahmins to become superior among them has seeded discontent among many inhabitants to get away from this battle of supremacy.
    • Division of the Society into four vernas has fueld the religious growth as the Non Brahamins desired to raise themselves from domination from Brahmins.
    • Introduction of new economy in which trade and non agricultural activity gains momentum.
    • Rise of materialism among inhabitants sparked reaction among many against materialism. Hence there desire provoked them towards religious reform to live a simple life which is more stable and peaceful.
  • Jainism: Jains believe that origin of Jainism lies in the teaching of 24 Tirthankars (Guru). In this 24 Tirthankars name of two Tirthankars, Rishabha Dev and Arishtanemi were also foun din Rig Veda. The last Tirthankar of Jain Dharma, Mahavira has contributed much towards the development of this religion in ancient period of India.
  • Buddhism: Seed of Buddhism was sown by the teachings and philosophy of Siddhartha Gautama. Teachings of Buddha’s main aim was to pull out peoples from sorrow and sufferings. There were three Jewels of Buddhism:
    • Buddha (the enlightened)
    • Dhamma (doctrine)
    • Sangha (order)
  • Contribution of Buddhism:
    • Doctine of Ahimsa which has changed the sight of many rulers is the main contribution of this great religion.
    • It has removed the shackles of pain of commoners who were misguided by the worldly lust.
    • It has given a simple religion away from complicated rites and rituals.
    • Image worship in the country is having its root in this religion.
    • Buddhism has helped India to build a strong relation with different countries of the world.
    • It has also contributed in the various fields of art and architecture.
  • The Ajivikas: Ajivikas were another heterodox sect which practised complete nudity. Gosala Maskariputra, founder of this sect was contemporary to Mahavira.

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